The Sunday Show: Integrative Medicine in the USA

The Sunday Show: Integrative Medicine in the USA

On Sunday 3rd December, Chris is interviewing Dr Mathew Jadan, a Functional and Naturopathic Doctor in the USA, on what Integrative Medicine means to him, especially after beating his own brain cancer!


Dr. Jadan specialises in Alternative Medicine, but his story starts with his own Brain cancer, which recurred twice. He beat it and then went on to study various aspects of medicine.


Like Chris, Dr. Jadan believes in looking for the root causes of the problem, and not being blinded by the symptoms. Also like Chris, he specialises in the gut microbiome, and illnesses such as Colitis, not just cancer.

There are TWO WAYS you can see this show:

1. Watch it at any time by joining the CANCERactive Community for a small monthly fee of £5 

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(and watch ALL the past 40+ Sunday Shows and the ones to come in the next 12 months)
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2. Watch it as a guest on Sunday December 3rd from anywhere in the world by REGISTERING and donating 10 pounds sterling to CANCERactive. 
To Register for this show - CLICK HERE 
* All members, and Registered guests are invited to send in a question to [email protected]All questions must be no more than 20 words long, and on topic.
As usual, this show is really NOT TO BE MISSED as it will be jammed pack with tips and well researched information that can help you increase your personal odds of survival, whatever your cancer. You genuinely will learn a lot, from two men who has researched it all.
The Sunday Show 2023
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